Professional associations
Hermes Medical Solutions truly believes in the power of the Molecular Imaging Community. Lead by strong associations, Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging can constantly evolve to continue playing a key role in personalized medicine.

L’Association des Médecins Spécialistes en Médecine Nucléaire du Québec wants, through appropriate means, to promote the economic and social interests of its members and to contribute to the development of nuclear medicine.
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Established in 1966, its membership includes the clinicians dealing with the medical specialty, clinical scientists, radiopharmacists, other scientists, nuclear medicine technologists and nurses. The British Nuclear Medicine Society is an organisation concerned with the clinical practice, education, research and development of nuclear medicine within the UK.
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The Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT) is the national professional association and certifying body for radiological, nuclear medicine and magnetic resonance imaging technologists and radiation therapists. Established in 1942, the CAMRT today represents over 12,000 members.
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The Canadian Association of Nuclear Medicine strives for excellence in the practice of diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine by promoting the continued professional competence of nuclear medicine specialists, establishing guidelines of clinical practice, and encouraging biomedical research. We work with all professionals in nuclear medicine to ensure that Canadians have access to the highest quality nuclear medicine services.
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The German Society for Nuclear Medicine (DGN) is a scientific association whose goal is to promote nuclear medicine in basic and applied research in the fields of diagnostics, therapy and radiation protection. The membership is currently at 1550, it is composed of doctors of its own field and other disciplines, as well as natural and engineering scientists.
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The European Association of Nuclear Medicine’s vision is to optimise and advance science and education in nuclear medicine for the benefit of public health and humanity within the concept of personalised healthcare. The EANM acts as umbrella organisation for individuals as well as national societies.
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Pangea-ePatient magazine’s mission is to educate prescribing physicians, patients, health authorities and hospital administrators from across the world about current and future nuclear medicine diagnostic tests and therapies in comprehensible words.
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The Finnish Society of Nuclear Medicine (Medical Radioisotope Association) was established in 1959. The purpose of the association’s activities is to promote the development and application of nuclear medicine, to act as a link between the industry and to make the industry known.
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The Norwegian Association of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging’s role is to develop the subject of nuclear medicine, the impetus for implementing new technology in the field, as well as supporting research and international cooperation.
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The Dutch society for nuclear medicine (NVNG) was founded in 1968 and has a multidisciplinary character. Its members are predominantly from the disciplines of chemistry, pharmacy, physics, medicine and radio chemistry. The Association now has 380 members.
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L’Ordre des Technologues en Imagerie Médicale, en Radio-Oncologie et en Électrophysiologie du Québec’s mission is to protect the public in the areas of medical imaging, radiation oncology and medical electrophysiology while becoming an organization committed to raising the standards and quality of professional practice.
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Why the Pangea project? To educate and raise awareness for stakeholders (prescribing physicians, government agencies, hospital administrators, etc.) on the benefits of nuclear medicine worldwide. The Pangea project promotes current and future nuclear medicine for better practices when it comes to tests, diagnoses, and therapies.
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The Swedish Association for Nuclear Medicine’s task is to promote the development of nuclear medicine through meetings with scientific lectures and discussions, and to take into account research results in the field of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging.
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SNMMI is an international scientific and medical organization dedicated to advancing nuclear medicine and molecular imaging, vital elements of precision medicine that allow diagnosis and treatment to be tailored to individual patients in order to achieve the best possible outcomes.
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