HMS Educational Series

Dosimetry in Theranostics – Controverse of need, sense and purpose

In this educational session, Medical Physics Experts, Jens Kurth and Bernhard Sattler, share their joint views on the options of and the regulatory frame for radiopharmaceutical dosimetry in the theranostic setting and thereafter stimulate a discussion about what is technically possible as opposed to what is practically feasible given the patient population that is potentially eligible and in need of modern radionuclide therapy.

The talk is followed by a short Q&A with questions from the audience to the speakers.

About the speakers:

Prof. Bernhard Sattler is a board certified medical physics expert in nuclear medicine. He heads the medical physics section and is vice chair natural sciences of the Department of Nuclear Medicine at the University Hospital of Leipzig, Germany (Director and Chairman: Prof. Dr. med. Osama Sabri). He has almost 30 years of experience in nuclear medicine physics with a particular emphasis on radiopharmaceutical dosimetry and cross-modality hybrid molecular imaging. He has been teaching in his field ever since and is part of several curricula in medical physics and radiation protection on a national and international level.

Dr. Jens Kurth is senior medical physicist at the Department of Nuclear Medicine at University Medical Center Rostock, Germany and has been working in the field of nuclear medicine for almost 20 years. His work and research focuses primarily on molecular imaging and dosimetry in the context of nuclear oncology theranostics and related aspects of radiation protection.


Complete dosimetry solutions

  • Voxel Dosimetry

    Hermia Voxel dosimetry™ can be used for a wide range of therapy and imaging isotopes—helping make personalized therapy a reality for your clinical practice.

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  • Organ Dosimetry

    Organ Dosimetry™ provides a seamless workflow, enabling the user to perform all steps using only one interface.

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    OLINDA/EXM® is the most widely used software for standardized dose calculations for diagnostic and therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals.

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  • Theranostics

    Theranostics is a very promising personalized approach to treating cancer, using diagnostic imaging to identify if target receptors are present on cancer cells, followed by precision internal radiation treatment that targets these receptors.

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